Slicer Friends!

“You’re so good at connecting,” was said to me. Smiling at this compliment, I thought about this attribute. I don’t feel like I purposefully set out to connect and include. But I do naturally think if I like something, then I should tell others. They might like it too, so I share.

Happily, I discovered the March Writing Challenge 6 years ago and quietly participated and then ended with a celebratory “orange party”, orange streamers and clementines, with my students.

Each year since, I suggested to colleagues to join me in the challenge. Then at the end of each March, another orange party. Last month, a writing friend suggested not waiting until the end to celebrate. This is a hard challenge and March is a long month. An earlier gathering might be motivating to keep all writing. SO I took her suggestion and scheduled two parties at my house this year – March 11th and April 11th!

Over the weekend I had fun shopping with color in mind – flowers, jellybeans, cheese puffs, a variety of cheeses and all the ingredients to make a pitcher of Aperol Spritz!

IMG_4413IMG_4414Then the writerly crowd stopped by after school. Two I taught with in DC and they trekked over the river to join in celebrating 10 days of posting. The other five I teach with at the Middle School down the street.


We are all so different. Yet, one thing we have in common is that we all like to write! We enjoyed orange food, shared funny stories and connected! Of course, I gathered those nearby to meet up at my house as a way to motivate us to keep writing.

I am proud to call myself a Slicer. It connects me with a great group of friends!


And the clean-up after an Orange Party is very easy!

Looking forward to 20 more days of writing and another PARTY on April 11th!
If you are a slicer and in the DC area, please come! We are a great group of writers!

18 thoughts on “Slicer Friends!

  1. franmcveigh says:

    Celebrating, YES!!!
    What a genius idea! And what a supportive community in real life as well!
    My favorite is the orange scarf you wore . . . orange as a theme in so many ways!


  2. dianeandlynne says:

    Celebrate with slices for slicers! I love it. You are an inspiration.
    Having community to share writing and writing struggles is a powerful motivator.


  3. wordjourneysite says:

    Sally – you really are a great connector and you make things happen. It is so great to meet with fellow slicers and tell stories, and so fun to realize how many ideas for writing can be picked up by listening to those stories.
    Write on!


  4. paulabourque says:

    I think this is FANTASTIC. We have 4 teachers in our district who are taking part. Maybe we need to have our own SLICER party! Thanks for the inspiration and the wonderful slices.


  5. Leah Graham McFarlane says:

    I love this! You ARE a connector, Sally! Between the bursts of orange and the sweet company, the party was a great way to recharge for the rest of the challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. irishdaybreak says:

    You are for sure a connector! One of the other slicers I talked to who has been doing this now for 5 years told me that she would not have started without you…. ditto
    I love your fill embrace of the orange and the way you help us all feel confident to share our stories
    Thank you!


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