Time Change

The microwave clock.
The stove clock.
The bedroom alarm clock.
The clock in the car.
All changed now except for the car….can’t recall how to adjust the digits.
I’ll look it up in the manuel later.

Not sure why we move the clocks back and forth.
May have made sense when we spent our lives outside farming.
But now, in a 24/7 kind of world
It seems more of a nuisance.

Yet, I shouldn’t complain.
I no longer have very many clocks in my life.
And my iPhone magically autocorrected for me.


11 thoughts on “Time Change

  1. franmcveigh says:

    I was even. Four changed. Four did not. And yes, the car one is the trickiest, but maybe it is now back to “being correct”. When the car can talk to my phone, why isn’t doesn’t it digitally correct itself?
    Loved this line …”All changed now except for the car….can’t recall how to adjust the digits.”


  2. mrsbrunowrites says:

    I love your line on the car… I had to stare at that one the longest to figure it out! I love that most of my others adjusted to their own. I love your line about farming and our 24/7 lives. I do wonder why we still do this.


  3. dianeandlynne says:

    Love those clocks that automatically adjust, though I have an old clock radio that adjusts on the previous dates for change that no longer apply. And those car clocks…Bah, humbug!


  4. Ms Victor Reads says:

    I live where we do not change clocks and I am glad for that- time changes always messed with my body clock. Now I struggle remembering what time it is where. It was 12 hours different to the East Coast US time, now is it 13 or 11?


  5. paulabourque says:

    I love this slice, Sally. I love your choice of format and topic, and the humorous way you tie it together with things we can all relate to. Keep slicing just like this any day you want to!


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