Place Matters

I don’t even drink coffee.
Instead I declare,
“Venti Black Iced-tea, no sweetener
or Grande No-whip Hot Chocolate”
when it’s my turn.

Once seated and computer plugged in
I sit at the high-top counter
facing a windowed wall
revealing a sky beginning to brighten
and listen to the upbeat music playing in the background.

My favorite place to write – my neighborhood coffee shop

How about you?
WHERE are you writing?

12 thoughts on “Place Matters

    • sallydonnelly11 says:

      Not every day but it has become a Sat Morning Ritual as I tend to still awake early on the weekends. And today, a Wed, I was out of breakfast cereal so thought I’d head there early before school and write. Glad to be writing with you again this year!


  1. dianeandlynne says:

    I see you there with your unusual non-coffee order! I write at my desk in the family room. Gazing out the window, watching children mosey on down to the bus stop. Their chattering, laughing, playful morning routine warms me. It’s a good thing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cheryl Reynolds says:

    I love going to a coffee shop to read and drink coffee. Occasionally, I go to meet friends to catch up on life. I have never gone there to write. I know many who do and have witnessed that first hand, but I have not tried that. I write at my kitchen island, on the sofa in my family room or at my desk. So far, those places work for me. And yes, there is usually coffee near by.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. wordjourneysite says:

    It’s such a romantic notion to me – to write at a coffee shop, early in the morning with a large latte at hand. I envy your ability to get up early – I never have been able to do that!
    I tend to write at the dining room table – I make sure I have a cup of coffee or tea – it’s a must. I find that I do a fair amount of thinking about what I’m going to write in the parts of my day that don’t require other thinking – while I’m driving or cooking or showering or trying to get to sleep:))

    Liked by 1 person

  4. katlynhbennett says:

    I’ve been writing all over the place- sometimes at school, sometimes at home, even once on my phone in my car! (Not while driving, of course!) I always forget you don’t drink coffee- I don’t know how you have so much energy!


  5. Elisabeth Ellington says:

    I DO drink coffee, and the coffee shop is also my favorite place to write–any coffee shop, anywhere. Preferably local and independent, but I’ll take a Starbucks if that’s all that’s available. One of my big treats to myself during March is a little extra coffee shop time for a little extra writing! I agree with you: place matters! I almost always write a coffee shop slice sometime during the month too.


  6. Fran McCrackin says:

    I like the humor of your opening. I love the image of watching the sky brightening- not many are watching :). I do think of you writing in coffee shops, partly because of all the time you were fairly nomadic. And the allure remains.


  7. jcareyreads says:

    I’ve read several slices about where people write. Your spot sounds lovely. I’ve written a few posts about where I write… usually in one of my children’s beds- tapping away on my phone. Maybe someday I’ll graduate to a more sophisticated space.


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