My Saturday Non-Book Reading

One monthly homework assignment I assign to my Reading 6 students is to NAME something they read during the month that is NOT a book and then state how reading this helped them. Here’s a padlet where my students posted their most recent non-book reading.

I spent time on Saturday morning doing some non-book reading:

IMG_2382At Union Station at 5:04am, I learned that my 5:25am train to Penn Station was cancelled and that there was not another train that would get me to NYC in time for the free workshops at TCRWP.

So I sadly returned home instead of training to Penn Station and taking the subway uptown to  116&Broadway for the free workshops offered generously by the smartest literacy leaders on the planet at TCRWP.

Once back home, I did more non-book reading. I read tweets for hours. It almost felt like I was there. I’m grateful to the generous learners who did make it to TCRWP and who took time to write and post their tweets. A few of my favorites:

Finally, I happily read this scoreboard after watching my favorite team play basketball on TV today:


I learn from books. I also learn from reading things that aren’t books. Like the departure board at the train station and the tweets from my TCRWP family and the scoreboard on TV! I learned LOTS today even though it wasn’t the way I thought the day would go.

15 thoughts on “My Saturday Non-Book Reading

  1. Ms Victor Reads says:

    So sad the weather prevented you from getting to TC! What a great idea to ask your students to chronicle the non book reading they do. I wonder what my third graders would come up with. I imagine your students have improved in noticing what they read. Twitter, Facebook, email, were my extra reading choices today.


  2. jodimahoney says:

    I love the way that you invite and encourage non-book reading. These are all part of our “literacies” and we need to incorporate that more into our classrooms and let our students know that literacy is just as much about reading a schedule as it is about reading a book.


    • Sally Donnelly says:

      I make it a monthly assignment and it has evolved from taking a photo in my classroom of charts and schedules and the clock to being images of the things they do on the weekend and includes “I read my dog and knew it was time to feed her” or “I read my mom and knew this was NOT a good time to ask her for something!”. It is also a way for me to connect with them about their life outside of my classroom. Win, Win!! And as I tell them, it is ALL reading!! We got to be good at reading our world.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. paulabourque says:

    I’m sorry you missed the reunion- I heard from others who did as well. But it looks like you used that time wisely to explore LITERACIES that are authentic and purposeful. Sounds like you learned a lot about authentic reading experiences on your own!


  4. Beth Sanderson says:

    I am so sorry the storm kept you from Reunion Saturday. But, I LOVE the non-book reading you celebrate in this post. When we focus solely on books we discount all the reading our students do in a day. Thank you for sharing your idea for the Padlet. It reminds me to highlight more non-book reading in my classroom. I think I will start tomorrow 🙂


  5. Michelle Haseltine says:

    I’m so sorry that you missed the reunion. The weather was crazy. Maybe it was safer. I LOVE the non-reading padlet and I am totally stealing this idea!!!! I’m going to ask my sixth-grade readers to document the same. BRILLIANT!!!


  6. franmcveigh says:

    So much reading out in the world! I, too, hated the abrupt change in plans. None of our group from three years ago made it so we were not alone in our missed opportunity. I was ready for the RECHARGE that comes from being challenged, in Riverside Church, to go forth and do wise work with students! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. franmccrackin says:

    I love the way you incorporate so much variety and technology into your writing. I know your students appreciate it too. Sorry about the trip. But who knows- maybe having more time meant you commented on more slices, and maybe one of those comments really helped someone 🙂
    Who knows?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. amyjuengst says:

    I’m so sorry you were not able to attend TCRWP in New York yesterday, but thank you so much for capturing some of the tweets you followed. I especially loved reading the tweet… “studies show” about how reading book series sets students up to be lifelong readers.

    My husband was supposed to fly out Friday to see my son in California but all flights were cancelled and he wasn’t able to rebook until today. They missed their time together. And just like you, we watched two of our favorite basketball teams play on Saturday, but unlike UVA, they both lost :(.

    MSU lost to UofM and UNC lost to Duke. Boo-hoo.

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