2017 OLW – Routine

2015 – Responsiveness
2016 – Transparency
2017 – Routine

For the past 2 years, I have focused on my response to others – my family, my students, my colleagues, and strangers.

This year, I want to be focused on me. I love that I have a routine to write. I am motivated to write at least once a week because of the TwoWritingTeachers blog. Weekly writing IS a routine for me.

I want more routine in my life. I hope by making this my word,  more routines will enter my life.


I want a Reading Routine – I started by making THIS PADLET and I plan to add every book I read to it. My husband and I also figured out how to share books between our kindles which gives me more books at my fingertips.

I want an Exercise Routine – I am no sure yet what this will become. I fear it is not enough to just say I want to do it. I have to make a plan and then carry it out. Many years ago, my daughter needed a car for her work and I could take the Metro to work. It required a mile walk to the station and then quarter-mile walk from the stop to my school. Then the same walk in reverse after school to get back home. Daily, I exercised because it was the only way I could get to work. I wonder if I can somehow make exercise again just a part of how I navigate through my day? If so, I know it will be what I do. A routine.

I want a Healthy Eating Routine – That same year, I routinely attended Weight-Watcher meetings. That regular meeting allowed me time to sit and think and make a plan for how I would eat and exercise. That year I lost 20 pounds and one dress size. In the absence of an exercise and eating plan, those 20 pounds found me again. I would love to reverse this.

I believe when I put something in writing, then it must be done. I hesitate to name these three routines. But I will. I love having my writing routine and I look forward to following four routines strongly throughout 2017.


What OLW is motivating YOU this year?

7 thoughts on “2017 OLW – Routine

  1. margaretsmn says:

    I want to establish these routines, too. It was easy to get the exercise in over the break, but I want to make it routine. I plan to add yoga back into my routine. I got out of the habit and need it back. I love this practice of finding a guiding word, but it was tough for me this year. I wasn’t ready to leave last year’s word, presence. Good luck with your routines.


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