My Writing Communities

I received this request via email on 2/27 from a fellow slicer:

Sally, would you have a few minutes next weekend to help me update my site?  (I can get through this week, but think I need to improve it.)

Last Saturday afternoon, she (wordjourney) and I (readandwritebysally), along with pencilonmybackporch, met at a DC Starbucks across the Potomac River from my house but walking distance for the both of them.

Pre-Covid, we met at this spot weekly in the summertime for several years to write together. Same ritual every time. We chatted, made sure we each had something to write about, and then quietly wrote. After about 30 minutes, we each took turns reading our writing aloud and listening to comments and suggestions. During Covid, we started meeting online. Same process but across the screen.

As I write down our process just now, I realize how much I appreciate this process. We showed up and practiced writing together. We captured moments from our lives. We trusted each other enough to speak it aloud. We received compliments and suggestions on ways to make a story better. The three of us.

Saturday, after I shared some tips about adding photos and tagging and changing a blog theme, pencilonmybackporch pulled two identical gifts out of her bag. A laminated calendar and a dry erase marker for her two writing buddies!

“This is a little something. You can write your slice titles down each day.”

I feel lucky. I get to be a part of this March writing community. I get to be a part of Fran and Barb’s writing community. Sure, I could simply sit down and write by myself. But writing with others is much more powerful in my opinion.

10 thoughts on “My Writing Communities

  1. margaretsmn says:

    I miss writing side by side my peers. I still do it with kids, but this writing group time is priceless. Virtual just isn’t the same.


  2. Erika says:

    So much fun! I feel lucky to be part of an online writing community in addition to this, but would love an in person one too! Something about writing while others are too makes it feel like I have to show up, which is the way to get going.


  3. Trish says:

    You have reminded me of an evening I had with a great friend in New Jersey—a writing together evening—that made me think about how writing together is truly a sign of trust. I am often unsettled by the thought of it, so worried about how I’ll present. What a wonderful relationship you three have developed through writing. There’s a metaphor: friendship is an evolving process, too.


  4. Kristi Lonheim says:

    Yippee for community! I know of people who would have a video call to be writing while someone else is also writing – no talking needed (or allowed).


  5. Greg&Linda says:

    I love this! We used to have a teachers writing group in town that met about once a month. I miss that so much- the time to write, the time to check-in and the time to reflect with someone. So glad you could do this again in person!


  6. mschiubookawrites says:

    I’ve been writing down the titles on the paper chart you gave me. The power of a writing community is truly a gift. I like your use of a text message to introduce your slice and how the calendar gift comes full circle at the end, following the write-share-give mantra.

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