
A friend emailed saying she almost quit this writing challenge yesterday. I got to thinking about quitting.

Yesterday, I wanted to quit the renewl process for my National Boards. It is due May 15th but I have a busy day job and have travel plans for Spring Break. I’ve set aside most weekends to write the 25 page document with 2 video attachments. But yesterday it felt like I still had so much to do. I wanted to quit and stop spending hours and hours sitting at a Starbucks on the weekend writing.

A few years ago, my husband and I wanted to quit building a new house. My creative, architect husband designed an energy-efficient new home for us but our contractor wasn’t making it happen and the site looked like this for far too long.

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With the house, we found a supportive contractor and he built the house to my husband’s specifications.

With my National Boards project, I texted my study buddy (a colleague also working on her Boards) and suggested a lunch break. We met for a burger and after eating, we both sat at a Starbucks and worked together for another hour. Before departing, we agreed to check on each other on Wednesday as we both made a plan for what we would accomplish next.

With my friend, she got her post in before midnight. Her email ended by saying, “thank you for your support – it’s in part my not wanting to let you guys down that has kept me going.”

Quitting. A natural response.
Support from others – priceless!

NOTE: Just picked up my phone to pick a photo as my “featured image” and the time is 8:11am. (something I wrote about on March 15th) I smiled and am ready to write more for my Boards as I sit now at Starbucks on a Sunday. I’m not quitting!

19 thoughts on “Quitting

  1. Ms Victor Reads says:

    Knowing when to quit and when to persevere is a skill. You are right- support makes it easier to prevail. I hope you get your extra work done without tooooo much extra stress. I know you always have so much on your plate.


  2. Dennis Puhr says:

    Wow! I just wrote a similar blog. I can really relate when you said you went to Starbucks. I spent many hours there working on my MBPT renewal. Glad to hear you have support. You will do it!! I’ll keep you in my thoughts though these rough days. Just know that the sun is over the ridge.


  3. Beth Sanderson says:

    What a timely post! For some reason, this time in the school year often brings to mind thoughts such as “maybe I should scale back?” or “why did I add this challenge to my life?” or “would it make a difference if I just quit?”. As one of your lucky friends who is constantly spurred by you to try new things…I am glad you persevere! Life is richer when we take on challenges. Thanks for sharing the struggle and the endless support 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. keitheduardo says:

    This was a timely post for me today as I struggle with thinking about returning to work tomorrow after spring break, preparing all I need, packing lunches, grocery store, etc. This last week will be a struggle for sure, but with all of us cheering one another on, we can do it!
    I too admire how you pulled difference experiences together in this post–so effortlessly it seems.
    Perhaps you are still writing at Starbucks as you receive notice of this comment and, if so, I hope it gives you a bit of a pep to continue on!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. wordjourneysite says:

    Well-timed slice, Sally:)) I realize that I’ve never seen the back of your house – it looks great!
    I don’t know what we did in the days before places like Starbucks or Northside Social existed for providing a place to work. There is something about being surrounded by other people working and socializing – and the smell of coffee – that really helps me get in the mood for tackling a task.
    Lots to do – but you’ll get it done.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Fran McCrackin says:

    This is such an honest reflection, and- I agree- timely. I keep reading about various writers in slumps. Doubt doesn’t always come at the beginning…
    And while some of us have personal friends to encourage us in this challenge, your post reaches out to encourage everyone. Keep going 🙂


  7. eddiehren says:

    Very inspirational. Very human. Patience, effort, and dedication. Those are my words and they always work and any time I need to remember them, they are very hard to stick with. Makes the pride all the more sweet. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

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