March 14, 2018

“I need to leave at 10 of to help SCA,” a 6th grader announced.

“Can I go get my gloves and jacket from my locker?” another asked.

“It’s 10am. It’s time,” a 6th grader announced.

We headed out of our Mod 3 Reading 6 class, down the hall and outside to the back field. As we walked, the hallways were crowded but all were walking in the same direction as we were. So we walked four abreast, all heading outside as if it was a fire drill. Once at the field, student council members yelled through their meg-a-phones, “Form a circle. Make the circle bigger. Form a circle.” So I stood amongst 6th, 7th and 8th graders in a large circle, six deep. Some had signs. Some were in orange. Some were handing out orange ribbons to wear. IMG_0873

The air was cold and the wind whipped. I held this list I made this morning:


As I explained the opportunity to join the Walk-out March with my MS during morning homeroom, I explained the opportunity the administration was offering today. We discussed why today (a month after the FL shooting) and why 17 minutes (the number of deaths) and when I showed them my pink paper, I found myself getting choked up as I said “14 students and 3 teachers”.

Around 10:10am, the SCA began telling everyone to kneel down and I was amazed that all followed these student-led directions. Then it got quiet. I looked down at my list and said each name in my head. Then after the moment of silence, a girl I only know as the stage manager for the play that I help with after school, took the mega-phone and began to speak. “We are the generation who has lived through…” and she first named Columbine and stated how 15 died and then went on and on and on, naming places and the number of deaths and more tears filled my eyes. Chants began – “What do we want? Gun laws. When do we want it? Now!”


20 thoughts on “March 14, 2018

  1. paulabourque says:

    I blogged today about the hope that these rallies has given me. This is incredible. I am so glad you were able to be with your students. A snow day kept us from doing the same, but we all felt a part of it anyway. BEAUTIFUL.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ms Victor Reads says:

    So powerful that your school worked with the students in this. It must have been such an emotional event. Kids do give me hope too- I just hope the adults who make the laws get it. Thanks for sharing this (but I so wish you didn’t have to – such a terrible sign of the times). Sending a hug.


  3. cmargocs says:

    I am so proud of these students for taking a stand, and proud also of the administrators and teachers who are supporting these protests. It is beyond time that those with the power to make change happen, do so.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. dianeandlynne says:

    I do think the NRA has met its match. Students are so articulate as they take center stage. Even those who cannot vote yet have families who just may vote to make a difference. Your handwritten list of names is powerful, too. I am hopeful.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. mschiubookawrites says:

    This post and all the sound bites you incorporated got me quite emotional. From your 6th graders’ questions to our 8th graders’ speeches, I reflect on the essential question written on my board- What motivates us to write?


  6. amyjuengst says:

    Thanks for this powerful post! You captured the protest perfectly. I love how our students are speaking power to truth. Unafraid of backlash. Undeterred by the status quo. I also love how they are teaching adults to wake up, take notice and follow their lead.


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