17-Days Off

The whole first week of winter vacation, my eyes opened at the regular 5:30am time. Often I’d arise, move to the TV room and watch the sun rise out the large window. I spent many mornings writing! I spent several mornings up and out to take a walk or to sit at a nearby coffee shop and write.

By the second week, my pattern started to change. Just three days ago (day 14), I stayed in bed until noontime, reading. Yesterday I set the alarm for 8am and hit the snooze three times. So interesting how a daily habit takes time to break and takes time to reestablish.

I’m up now (day 18) with just one hit of the snooze button to my the 5:30am alarm. I wonder how this first day after winter break will go? How will it be for the rest of the school staff? How will it be for the students? 17-days is a nice long time to rest, relax, and break routine. Today, I’ll be sure to remember how it took me a few days to get into and out of vacation mode.

Back to school, after 17-days off. Now, my countdown clock is set for March 3rd. In just 60 days until I head to Amsterdam to meet my first grandchild!

(Yep, I have a thing with numbers!)

7 thoughts on “17-Days Off

  1. kimhaynesjohnson says:

    Sally, we have a lot in common here with the sleeping patterns of late. I’m always an early riser, too, but the cold weather helped me sleep in later over the break. Like you, I am ready and reluctant to step back out into work life. I could use another week of reading – I would be spoiled rotten by then and good for nothing, though. So today, we step out…..AND….congratulations on the coming little one! Oh, what fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Glenda Funk says:

    Sally, these are astute observations about routines. My retirement life has had me on delayed risings, but subbing completely messed w/all established routines. I need to heed the call to get up when I awaken instead of lying around every morning. But I still don’t know how productive I should be. And Amsterdam certainly would have me excited for a routine change!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Trish says:

    There is such comfort in numbers, even if I generally am not a math person! I am so glad you say you’ll keep in mind your own necessary adjustment after such a long break. I can only imagine the kids will be in various states of resistance, too! (Or maybe, fingers crossed, they’ll be so glad to be back!)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Terje says:

    I read how you got up at 5:30 during winter break and I felt admiration. I read how you took time for writing and I felt warmth. I read about the grandchild and felt immense joy. Happy new year!


  5. Erika says:

    I also take awhile to sink into break and wake up times are a way I notice that. We have 23 days, so I am almost at the point where I may have to ease back into the school routine… so excited for your March 3 change of routine! Happy 2023. I hope the first day back was great!


  6. onathought says:

    I had to read this because routines during break are a big thing for me — it takes me all of a break to get into a good routine … and then BAM! Back to real life! I love all of your numbers. 🙂 That’s a good long break – but I bet the countdown to meet the grandchild is one you will think about every day!


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