March 11, 2021

Today I took a long, long walk after school. I wore my Teva sandals for the first time this season and just a t-shirt and khaki pants. No coat necessary. As I walked. the warm breeze created a calmness and gave me hope. Spring is coming. On my drive home, NPR was filled with 1-year ago stories anf the idea that our country is finally getting a handle on this pandemic is in the air. As I walk, nature herself seems to be cheering us on with her lovely springtime weather in Arlington, Virginia.

5 thoughts on “March 11, 2021

  1. Tim Gels says:

    Sally, the weather does give one a feeling of hope at times. I was out walking yesterday and felt the same thing as I breathed the air and watched the sun setting through the trees. Thank you for sharing this. I love the image that you put with the post as well; it reminds me a bit of my north Alabama landscape.


  2. Beth Sanderson says:

    This is such a hopeful post! I especially love the last line “nature herself seems to be cheering us on with her lovely springtime weather…” It does feel like the universe is rooting for us as the weather warms and we can head outside. Your post made me smile, so thank you!


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