
When 9/11 happened, the blue, blue sky is what I remember. I am not the only one. The artist Spencer Finch was commissioned to make an installation at the World Trade Center Memorial. He created one called “Trying to Remember the Color of the Sky on That September Morning.” As I research more about it, I discovered “Every one of the 2,983 watercolor squares is its own shade of blue – one for each of the 2001 and 1993 attack victims – and the artwork as a whole revolves around the idea of memory. Our own perception of the color blue might not be the same as that of another person. But, just like our perception of color, our memories share a common point of reference.

As I think about this past week when a virus kept us home, pink magnolia is the color I will remember. One thing I did to help keep my sanity was take walks around my neighborhood. This week, the pink magnolia trees are in full bloom and my neighbors’ yards host many. The springtime wind caused many petals to cover the ground around these gorgeous trees. Yes, for me, pink magnolia is the color I’ll remember when I recall the Spring of 2020.

How about you?

24 thoughts on “Color

  1. mrsbrunowrites says:

    What an amazing observation. Ironically it is white here in CT today as we move into our distance learning work… and I reflected on that today. We haven’t had a good snow since December, but today we get snow. The symbolism of the pink magnolia will stay with you.


  2. Ms Victor Reads says:

    Thanks for this. I do not often think in colors, so had not associated a color with this time, and I’d like to hold your images in mind. No magnolias here- dry season, so dusty brown is what I notice, but I much prefer your punk magnolias filling my screen.


  3. mgminer says:

    The Latin name for this tree is fun to say: magnolia tulipifera! It almost sounds like a charm from Harry Potter. I love these trees to brighten these unusual days.


  4. margaretsmn says:

    I love the Japanese magnolia tree and have written poems about one I pass on my walks. Ours were blooming in February which is early. Our spring has arrived already. These are some of the first trees to bloom. My color would be green. Cypress trees are showing off their bright green. I may need to write about it. Thanks for this idea.


  5. cvarsalona says:

    Sally, what you see is so soothing to me for here on Long Island the color gray is staying most of if not all days. It is somber like the spread of the virus. There is very little signs of human life in the neighborhood and when I have gone to pick up necessities, most people have masks (though honestly, I don’t know when they get them). Thanks for brightening my thoughts.


  6. mschiubookawrites says:

    Another clever post and prompt! I love how you connected this moment to another surreal experience and weaved research into your slice. I always learn so much from you. Yes to 9/11’s blue and for me, it would be pink for this pandemic. Cherry blossoms in full bloom here. Lovely post!


  7. mythmakersunite says:

    Amazing post! I think I’ve been wrapped up in managing all the changes our new situation has brought that I haven’t thought about how I’ll remember this time. It’s an important question. Thanks for helping me to see this moment from a different lens.


  8. theapplesinmyorchard says:

    Wow! I really like this post. What you wrote about 9/11 art is very interesting. I do believe that it is true that we each sense color differently. I have a strong and intuitive sense of color, being able to match colors almost exactly when needed. But, my husband is colorblind! I cannot imagine a world like that. We do not have any pink blooms right now. I wish we did. Wonderful, inspiring post!


  9. MegMcCormick says:

    Ooo I love your post and the way you connected the meaning of colors for you. This line from your research, “But, just like our perception of color, our memories share a common point of reference” can definitely be used as a future writing prompt. On my walks this weekend, I noticed magnolias and cherry blossoms aplenty! Thank goodness for Spring and for your observant slices!


  10. Anna Maria says:

    What I love about the color you chose is how vibrant it is. And I did not know that information about the squares with the 9/11 installation. I think tomorrow (if it’s not raining) I’ll take a walk and see what color I’ll choose to associate with today’s current events.


  11. irishdaybreak says:

    THIs has been therapeutic for me. I keep seeing images of tbe bright orange virus when my mind wanders. I am going to work on replacing that with your blossoming pink imagery
    I like the device if using color to compare the events if 9/11 and now


  12. mbhmaine says:

    Choosing a color to associate with this situation is such a novel idea. I was moved by what you shared about the 9/11 blue installation. I’ll be giving this more thought over the next few days. Thank you.


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